Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Who has a 14 year old with attitude? I do, he keeps referring to everything as “random”. This morning I finally said "Will, what does random mean?" he replied "Mum remember what happened to Dad at Bondi beach? Well that was random."
We were to attend a family wedding in Sydney and my brother Gerard offered to lend us his beautiful apartment on Bondi beach. Preparations began, I exercised and almost starved myself for 6 weeks prior to the trip to achieve the best body I could. Fake tan was applied, hair coloured, new swimsuit purchased; I was ready to strut the beach. I had delusions of myself running up the beach like Bo Derek in "10" with my husband, Chris, eagerly running along behind!
The first day we went off to the beach, I was done up to the nines; waterproof makeup and all. Chris, my 2 boys and my brother's 5 children as well. The day started beautifully until one of the children got into trouble in the water. I ran to the rescue, but the lifesaver retrieved the child first. Meanwhile I got dumped by waves several times, so much for the fake tan and waterproof makeup.
I emerged from the water with a huge bump on my head, covered with seaweed and sand to find Chris surrounded by the 7 children and what was a “random” woman (who was topless I might add), in his arms - she had run out of the water and leapt onto him and wrapped her legs around his waist!
Maybe she thought Chris was some sort of fertility God, given that he was surrounded by 7 children! We were all gobsmacked. And we all still laugh about it.
Of course, Chris and my brothers ran along the beach everyday after the event in hope that they might be lucky enough to meet this topless beauty again. It was not to be.
So as Will explained, this is what random means.
Here is a lovely table idea for tonight.
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